God so Loved the World (Single)
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God so Loved the World (Single)

Paroles | Lyrics:

Oh, in the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God
And the Word was God.
Through Him all things were made
In Him was life 
The light of all mankind.

For God so loved the world 
That He gave His one and only Son
That whoever believes in Him shall not perish
But have eternal life with Him.

Oh, and the Word became flesh
Wore our skin and bones
Lived in our tents and homes.
He gave to this world some light
To the thirsty living water
A bright hope and a real love.

So He said to the Jews who had believed Him:
“If you abide in my Word
You truly are my disciples.
Then, you will know the truth
And the truth will set you free. 
Beloved, do not let your hearts be troubled!
You believe in God, believe in me also
For those who believe in my name
Will do the works I have been doing
They’ll do even greater things
And whatever they will ask in my Name
I will do.”

Compositeurs | Songwriters:
Camille & Gabriel
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